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Earlier this month, the UK Health Secretary and the BGS published updated radon potential maps for the UK, this is first update since 2007 in England & Wales.

These radon maps highlight the potential for Radon exposure within onsite structures associated primarily with natural geological formations. The understanding of Radon exposure is important and has been linked to the development of Lung cancer.

The BGS state:

“Whilst the vast majority of buildings remain outside Radon Affected Areas, the new map has refined our knowledge of areas where high radon levels are more likely to occur. The overall number of buildings with high radon levels remains the same.”

Since the release of the dataset we have had several Clients contact us to enquire about how these updated maps impact developments with queries relating to impacts on Warranty Provider sign of and planning discharge.  In the vast majority of cases we have been able to allay fears and confirm no change, though two schemes we are working on are now within impacted areas with ERGO providing support to manage works through this interim period.

The NHBC have stated:

“All sites registered with NHBC from 1st December 2022 onwards will have been assessed against the updated radon maps by NHBC and will be required to have radon protection measures installed in accordance with the updated mapping.

For sites registered prior to 1st December 2022, many customers have already taken proactive steps to ensure that those sites affected by the changes are updated to include any new measures required.

From 1st February 2023 plots commencing construction will be required to have radon protection measures installed in accordance with the updated mapping to demonstrate compliance with NHBC Standards and Building Regulations.”

No information has been published with regards these updated maps by other Warranty providers as yet.

Radon is a colourless odourless radioactive gas for which the UK Health Security Association has determined a safe level of 200Bq/m3.  Risk is determined by the percentage of properties impacted within 5km2 area, less than 3% – Low, 3-5% – Medium, greater than 5% – high. Basic radon protection measures are required within medium risk areas and full radon protection measures necessary in high risk areas.

Should you have any queries or concerns regarding your site please do not hesitate to contact ERGO for advice.