Computer Based Modelling can be incredibly useful prior to site development to determine risks and abnormal costs at the planning and design stage. Geotechnical challenges across the UK can include challenging ground conditions, slope failures, opencasting, coal mining, legacy brownfield sites, stockpiles and shallow groundwater/flood risk plains. ERGO can provide an assessment of these elements from the outset of any project to identify the most cost-effective solutions.
With a UK wide focus on sustainability and reduction of construction waste to landfill, it’s more important than ever to carefully consider the development design from the earliest stages, with the overall objective to retain or reuse as much soil onsite as possible. This includes assessing both the geotechnical and chemical suitability of materials to be reused onsite.
ERGO’s earthworks assessments identify the predicted quantities of materials on site at the planning and design stage, to provide guidance on potential savings and improvements that can be made through revisions to the design for the purpose of long term environmental and financial gains.